This page also should give YOU the opportunity to ask me some questions all about my exchange year. Just leave a comment and I will answer your question as soon as possible in one of my entries or on this page here, so do not hesitate and feel free to ask.

1) What’s my name?
Justus Holzinger

2) How old am I?
16 y/o

3) Where am I from?
Montabaur, Germany (located between Frankfurt and Cologne)

4) How does my family look like?

2 brothers: Jasper & Jannik (8&10), one sister: Elisa (18) and my parents Katrin and Oliver.

5) What organization did I choose?

My organization is Taste. For more information I would recommend to read my post about Taste.

6) What is my destination?

I am going to go on an exchange in the United States?

7) Why did I choose the US and not a different country?

First of all there was one thing which already excluded a bunch opportunities. I wanted to improve my English and I wanted to go somewhere else, away from Europe. Now there are just 4 countries left where the Native language is English. USA, Canada, New Zealand or Australia. I do not know, but in Canada you can get placed somewhere in the middle of nowhere. The chance is pretty high. I mean that is possible everywhere but bigger than anywhere else. Australia has a lot of wild and poisonous animals and I did not feel like dealing with that. Maybe another time when I am older. Just 2 choices left. New Zealand and the USA. Both beautiful countries. New Zealand is famous for the stunning scenery, the USA for their diversity. Nearly everyone goes on an exchange in the US and I just wanted to experience the American culture and way of life. Furthermore New Zealand is almost two times as expensive as a program in the US, so I decided to go the States and go to New Zealand after school or any time. As aforementioned the US is the country of diversity. It is such a huge country and you have so many opportunities. It is different everywhere you go. I wanted to experience to live the American way of life and to attend a typical American High School and explore a lot of part of this nice country.

8) Who inspired me to do this?

It definitely was my mom. She spent a year abroad in Canada. She told me of all her nice experiences and what it means to be an exchange student. She did so many great experiences and it really inspired me to do the same. I followed a few blogs of previous exchange students to get an impression about their experiences. Furthermore some friends went on an exchange in the past and shared their awesome experiences with me.

9) Why do I want to go abroad?

First and foremost I would like to improve my English skills. This language became so important. I think it will be helpful to be good at it in my future. Another point was that I would like to live the American way of Live and really want to attend a typical American High School. Furthermore it liked the idea to learn more about the American culture. Besides all that you meet new people, you get a new family on the other side of the world you probably become more self-independent. You make unforgettable experiences you will remember your whole life.

10) How long will I be staying in the USA?
A whole High School year (10,5 months)

11) When is my flight?
August 24th 2015 (Frankfurt – Chicago, Chicago – Rochester)

12) Are there any things that I want to change during this year?

There are a few things. First of all I want to get better at English, communication, writing abilities and comprehension of the language. I would like to get more self independent and confident and I would like to get a better perspective on a lot of things.

13) What am I going to miss the most?

Mt family, friends and German food. Being active and eat clean and healthy could be hard too.

14) 3 places that you want to see during my stay?

  1. New York City. I think you just need to see that city.
  2. Grand Canyon, Arizona. Probably one of the most beautiful National Parks in the world. Unfortunately way too far, so it is not going to happen.
  3. Miami, Florida. I am aware of that can’t expect anything historical of that city. It is just a nice city on the beach with a very nice skyline and some other activities. Furthermore the climate and weather down south is amazing


If you want to ask me your personal question that I did not answer yet, go ahead and ask me that in the comments.